Monday, 17 January 2011

From Hawaii to South London

I just wanted to quickly share a very amusing story that occurred this weekend as I think you may enjoy and it is too funny to not make a blog entry.

Saturday night I went to a good friend’s fancy dress party, the night was a Hawaiian theme and we enjoyed boozing from coconuts, splashing about in paddling pools and jiving to tin drum sound affects- brilliant.

I was obviously being my usual inept self and concentrating more on acting like a drunken buffoon than trying out the whole pulling concept (something that I need to change if I am ever going to get a sex texting victim). I did however actively encourage my friend (dressed as Hawaiian Barbie) to get with one of the camouflage boys that were dancing around the palm trees.

Victory occurred and they headed off into the night to go back to her house in South West London- always like to help out a friend.

Disaster struck for the newly found lovers though on return to the house when Barbie realised she had left her bag at the party- in north west London- error.

Now most people would have reluctantly either headed back to the party or checked into a nearby hotel but this girl is definitely not ‘most people.’ Instead she convinced army boy to jump over the fence and check out the garden with her as her dog was in the house and he would get lonely(?!)

And so ladies and gents after much debate Barbie and Action man had their romantic time on a Christmas tree box in a garden shed under a picnic blanket surrounded by a full range of gardening equipment- epic.

Now this in itself is amusing enough but early in the morning action man made his excuses and made a get away back to North London (can we really blame him?). Barbie decided that enough was enough, she couldn’t face shed life solo and with the aid of paint pot smashed the back window and crawled through into the house greeted by her lonely dog.

A few hours passed and Barbie had a realisation that she did not want to foot the bill of said window and so in a quick wave of genius she called the police thinking she would simply get a crime reference number to give to the landlord- job done.

The reality-two police officers with forensics to take finger prints etc rocking up to fully investigate the matter. Now it is worth mentioning that Action man was in fact a very wealthy city banker with a PHD, not really someone to go round breaking into houses, yet clearly his finger prints will be all over the gaff.

Barbie was truly terrified when the police pointed to two surveillance cameras on the wall behind the house that clearly face onto the garden and announced they would check the footage as they were almost certain to have picked up the crime scene. I really do want to be there when they sit and down and witness Hawaiian Barbie in a pink grass skirt bash down a window with a dulux pot. – only my friends.


  1. I was about to query who would leave their bag somewhere until I remembered that I once went to an Indian restaurant and picked up a takeaway and left my handbag. I also had to spend the evening with a random guy. There were no garden shenanigans though! Or anywhere shenanigans for that matter - I was too upset about the fact I was a numpty!

    Rapunzel x
    *Tales from the Tower*

  2. The real question is whether Action Man will return for another round in the shed ;) Hilarious! I'd also like to know where these parties are that wealthy bankers with PhD's hang out at are ;)

  3. Ha is easily done, I did it in Camden but it made its way back to me, winner
    HA I will keep you posted lifebegins I know there was a number exchange so you never know. It seems these parties are in north london, not a banker girl myself, the rumours are true about them I am afraid.
    Thank you for reading ladies

  4. i love this. this is amazing. why doesn't this ever happen to me or any of my friends?

  5. Jo I am not sure you would want to be the shed resident but always funny when it is a friend. A good pub story to have, just keeping out fingers crossed she doesn’t get arrested for wasting police time! x

  6. This is just brilliant, you must keep us informed of what happens when the police come back to Barbie about the break-in.

    Good idea on the Hawaiian party in Jan as well.

  7. Still no word from the police but apparently a date is in the making!

  8. Just found your blog and read all of your entries - seriously funny stuff! Please keep it coming!

  9. Thank you very much for your comment! Always nice to be seen as seriously funny, Keep on reading I am sure there will be plenty more.x

  10. I've just found your Blog. Its very funny. Good Sunday Evening Blog Reading.

  11. Brilliant! Thank you for taking the time to read!x

  12. Just to update anyone that is interested- Barbie has had success and is going on a date with action man! If sleeping in a shed isn’t going to put him off nothing will!

  13. And also as the police have not come banging round the door we presume there was no tape in the cameras- phew!
