Friday, 11 February 2011

Betty and the Banker

Yesterday I was stumbling around The City of London (banker paradise) clutching Google map print outs, getting extremely lost trying to find venues to view for work.
In my polka dot coat, bright red shoes and crazy miss-matching scarf, I definitely did not fit into the suited and booted environment- I looked like a CBBC presenter on a scavenger hunt.

This episode took me right back to a date I had in my early days of London life when I agreed to go out with a banker, the experience I think contributed towards my allergy for them these days.

Here is the Betty B-esque tale:

I had always been a little wary of the whole banker idea being a general indie scruff that hangs out in Camden rather than Mayfair, but when I was asked out on a date within my first few weeks in London I thought I should go for it. It was my first date in the big city (and actual first date after a 4 year relationship), I needed to get back out on the scene plus rumour had it they earn a pretty hefty whack- not that I am materialistic but with the big move I was living like a student, a nice dinner would go down a right treat.

I first met the guy in question on a random night out in East London with new work colleagues; he just bowled over to us, brought us wine and asked for my business card- all new to me. It would seem pulling in the big smoke was altogether very different to the approach further North that I had been used to (usually involving bum gropes, bright coloured shots, unsubtle winks, thumbs up and high fives.)

On the evening of the date I met him at the train station ready and raring to take on the dating world idea, proud that I was already on a big date in the city- the London slightly clumsier version of Carrie Bradshaw, brilliant.

I instantly noticed that he was extremely suited up, shiny shoes, ironed shirt to the point of OCD standards and to top it off some kind of handkerchief in his top pocket (who owns handkerchiefs these days?!) Had a little look down at my appearance and was not entirely convinced he was going to dig the leopard print pumps and skinny jeans combo I had going on- I really should have run at this point…..


  1. Ooh, I would have LOVED that ;) Hard to find a guy with a handkerhief these days. I hold all judgement until I hear the rest of the date though *pulls up seat to wait for next post*

  2. Oh you really did mean a banker?! I saw the title and thought it was just rhyming slang. Unless it is?? I'll reserve judgement until I've read part 2...

    Rapunzel x
    *Tales from the Tower*

  3. Life begins don't thin you would have loved him I am afraid- refer to part 2.
    Good judgement call rupunzel!
