Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Hello, good evening and welcome

My first post- exciting moment for me.
To begin here are some facts about me so you understand me and my odd character slightly better:

I have no idea how to flirt- my current ‘skills’ include thumb wars, arm wrestling, high fives and demonstrating how I can put my fist in my mouth- vertically

I like to ask random questions a lot, many beginning with ‘would you rather…’

I recently had an erotic dream about Alf from Home and Away, I have ever since been questioning my current state of mind, I also share this information far too freely with others.

I have a major fear of all birds and cannot hide it at any point- ever

While intoxicated on cheap booze I ran up some stairs and broke my finger, I hear it resembled a Z and i enjoyed flapping it around. I remember nothing except waking up the next day on a drip in a hospital bed. 2 operations, 2 plaster casts and 5 and a half years later i have one majorly mangled wedding finger, I take this as fate.

I once suffered from elephantitis, a very comical disease involving major head/face swellage- in the middle of a clubbing holiday - sexy

I recently went sniff speed dating- I will blog about this experience very soon

I am unsure as to if I have ever had an uneventful date and may use this blogging experience as a cry for advice/help as to how to be a normal girlie girl- enjoy the ride

More to come once my laptop has been resuscitated by the experts- get ready it is likely to be a cringe filled ride


  1. Nothing wrong with a thumb war...
    ...Nice start to your blog.

  2. How weird- recently, in an inept way to try and revive an awkward silence in the middle of a date, I found myself demonstrating how I can fit my fist in my mouth...

    Glad I'm not the only one.

  3. Don't you worry, is a good skill to have in life!
